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Pivoting in 2020

Not everything goes according to plan

You know, you’d think that everything would be dragging, given the 2020 world we live in. When I outlined my plan for this year back in early January, I can easily say that I didn’t factor a global pandemic into my schedule.

Life’s just full of surprises, isn’t it?

I’m not reaching out to get into all of that, though. This is just a quick update on Book 3 and a few quick tidbits behind my thought process.

Firstly, I am cancelling the pre-order for Book 3.

I know, not what anyone wanted to hear this morning. People like updates where the pre-orders get moved up, not the other way around. But I’m not trying to go all George R.R. Martin or Pat Rothfuss on you here.

Let me explain:

As an independent author, there’s no ONE way to do this job successfully; there are many paths up the mountain. The most popular of these approaches is to be incredibly prolific and publish works at a rate that is (to me) astounding. If you’re one of my readers, you know that, well, that’s not quite my style.

I write stories because I love to write. I tell them in the time that it takes me to tell them properly. I’m not writing to make quick cash or in a formulaic fashion where I just pump out a product. I spent years on Shadowborne and I still find things I wish I could go back and tweak. I give my projects the time they need and deserve in order to stand on their on pages.

Book 3 is an important book in this series. When I first conceptualized The Relics of Antiquity, it was the original idea, the very book that I thought up. There’s a lot going on in it, a lot that needs to be spot on when it’s all said and done. But as I’ve worked on it, the truth is that it isn’t at all where I wanted it to be by this date. And rather than rush through these next months of post-production and worry about putting out a subpar project, I’m just going to cancel the preorder. I’ll still be working on it of course, still aiming for a timely release, but I won’t have the added stress of an arbitrarily decided release date.

Okay, but why do this today?

Because in the next 48 hours (give or take), my wife and I will be welcoming our daughter into the world. I knew that if I didn’t have everything perfectly in line by the time she got here, there would inevitably be more hiccups moving forward.

Stay tuned for more because when I’ve got more book info to share, I will. Until then, thank you all for your patience and support. Stay safe out there in this crazy world.



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